Your rights to a Union!
You may have heard about workers being punished for unionizing, or for talking about unionizing. You
may be worried about your employer taking action against you for being involved with a union. This is
not allowed and is illegal.
There are strong laws at both the federal and state level that protect workers from this kind of retaliation.
The main law that protects our ability to organize and unionize is Kansas’ Public Employer-Employee
Relations Act (K.S.A. 75-4321 through -4350).
You HAVE the right to:
- Join A union
Talk to your co-workers about joining a union. Anywhere and anytime you are allowed to
talk about things like sports or weather.
- Pass out literature about joining a union (in non-work areas during non-work times).
- Join with your coworkers for the purpose of forming a union.
Join with your coworkers for the purpose of improving working conditions in your place of
Your employer DOES NOT HAVE the right to:
- Interfere with, restrain, or coerce you to prevent your exercise of these rights
Fire or discriminate against you for exercising any of those rights.
Discriminate against you in hiring and firing simply because you have joined (or not joined)
a union
- Refuse to collectively bargain with the union once it is formed.
Download Full List of Your Rights